ShantiGO - An Overview of the Caravan Culture and History


An Overview of the Caravan Culture and History

An Overview of the Caravan Culture and History

An Overview of the Caravan Culture and History 

Caravan life has become a popular lifestyle today as a symbol of freedom, independence and the search for discovery. However, the origins and history of this pleasant lifestyle are quite interesting and diverse. In this blog post, we will discover the history of caravan life and examine caravan cultures and traditions in different countries.

The Origins of Caravan Life

The origins of caravan life go back many years. Since ancient times, people have discovered how to travel with portable accommodation vehicles. Nomadic communities in particular moved using animal-drawn cars and tents. It is known that portable houses called "Circus" were used during the Roman Empire.

The basics of modern caravan life date back to the beginning of 20th century. With the invention of the automobile and infrastructure developments, caravans have become more popular. In the 1920s, portable houses called "campers" began to be produced in the USA. During the Great Depression, people turned to a more economical and portable lifestyle due to economic difficulties.

Caravan Cultures and Traditions in Different Countries 


Caravan life has a deep culture, especially in the United States of America (USA). In the middle of 20th century, large, luxury caravans, called "RV" (Recreational Vehicle), became popular in the United States. RVs are travel vehicles equipped with all their comforts and are usually preferred by post-retirement travelers.


Caravan living is also quite common in Australia. Special facilities called "caravan parks" are popular for accommodation of caravans and camper vehicles. Also called "grey nomads", pensioners make long-term trips across the country with their caravans after retirement.

New Zealand

New Zealand is also one of the countries with a caravan culture. The free camping areas called "Freedom camping" are one of the places frequently preferred by caravan and towing caravan owners. New Zealanders have a caravan culture that aims to enjoy nature and promote a sustainable lifestyle. 

Caravan life has developed in different ways in different cultures throughout history and has come down to the present day. Caravan life is an interesting phenomenon that reflects people's search for freedom and passion for exploration. Caravan cultures and traditions in different countries reveal the diversity and richness of this way of life.