Shantigo - SG4


Open the Door to Unlimited Adventures
Are you ready to take one step closer to the freedom of your dreams? Launched in 2020, the SG4 Caravan is not just a vehicle, but a living space where you will create unforgettable memories. Constantly evolving with inspiration from our users, it embodies comfort, elegance, and functionality in every detail. Now, it’s waiting to add color to your life!


Stylish and Functional Kitchen

The kitchen area invites you to discover new flavors every morning. With a three-burner stove, you can create a culinary paradise overflowing with fresh vegetables and spices. Equipped with an oven and a spacious sink, this area allows you to let your imagination run wild. The 138-liter refrigerator keeps your refreshing drinks and fresh ingredients within reach, making your journeys even more comfortable.

Modern Living Space

The front seating area becomes the heart of enjoyable moments shared with friends. The spacious seating arrangement for four people, combined with front driver seats that can rotate 360 degrees, makes your travels both comfortable and fun. The adjustable table system accompanies spontaneous conversations and game nights, while easily converting into a single bed for added flexibility.


Bedding Space

The rear sleeping area is designed for those seeking peace and comfort. This space, filled with cleverly placed storage areas, awaits you for a restful sleep. The three-piece bed system allows you to lift the bed, giving access to a large luggage compartment where you can store everything you wish to bring along.


The bathroom section is designed to meet the demands of modern life. With its fully waterproof structure, it provides a safe space, and the swivel toilet ensures ease of use. Practical storage areas keep everything you need within arm’s reach, so you can feel the comfort in every moment.



With the introduction of our SG5 model in 2024, the SG4 Caravan also comes equipped with a pop-up roof extension, taking comfort and freedom to the next level. This roof, located at the top of the vehicle, creates a sleeping space for two people, allowing you to explore the sky up close. As you watch the view of your dreams, you’ll find yourself embraced by nature.

Bring a breath of fresh air into your life with the SG4 Caravan. Step into a lifestyle where you’ll find yourself in the arms of nature, on roads full of discovery, and within warm moments. This caravan is not just a vehicle, but a gateway to experiencing all the beauty life has to offer. Take action now to turn your dream adventure into reality!


Shantigo SG4

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